Kinsey Ann Durham

I'm a software engineer that loves dogs

Mi Experiencia

Software Engineer | GoSpotCheck

My current gig. Rails, Ruby, Postgresql, and some mobile experience. Pairing, building features, and fixing bugs.

September 2013 - present

Developer & Instructor | Galvanize

Taught Galvanize Full Stack programs as well as built internal tools for the company.

September 2013 - August 2014

Apprentice Developer | thoughtbot

My first gig writing code professionally. Paired on client projects and worked on apprentice projects.

September 2013 - August 2014

Speaking Experience | Professional Conferences

Rubyconf, Railsconf, dotRB, RubyConf Australia, Eurucamp, Brighton Ruby, Develop Denver

September 2013 - August 2014

Mis Fotos

harleigh speaking sunset mexico denver peru newmexico bali
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